Resources for Underclassmen
This page is dedicated to providing underclassmen at CUHS with resources and tools to begin preparing for life after high school. Whether you will be attending college, community college, vocational trade school, apprenticeship program, or getting a job, there are a number of things you can do to be prepared for your senior year and that next step.
College Entrance Exams-Even if you are only a junior this year, you may want to consider taken a college entrance exam, SAT or ACT test, during the spring time. This will provide you with an idea on how you will do during testing your senior year and allow you to take a test prep course to better your score. It is also advisable to take one of these tests during your junior year if you plan on applying for a military ROTC scholarship or academy appointment.
College Information-This link will provide you with a wide variety of Northwest colleges that are available after you graduate.
Military Options-If you are interested in the military as an option to pursue after high school, it is suggested that you investigate the different options open to you during your junior year. ROTC and service academy options require planning and action to be taken during the spring of your junior year and the following summer in order to complete applications and pursue congressional appointments to academies.
Extra-Curriculars & Service Options-Maximizing your extra-curriculars and community service will make your resume more competitive amongst your peers.