
Entering 3rd Grade OFFline Mathematics Practice

Count coins together

Make a schedule for your day, practice reading the clock

Practice measuring items around your house using a ruler

Hands on Math Activities

Play a Board Game

Compare Addition - (Addition Fact Practice)

This game is similar to the game “war”, except player draw 2 cards and add them together.

Salute! - (Addition & Subtraction Fact Practice)

This fun activity is made for groups of three. You will be using mental math strategies to find sums and differences.

Oh No! 99! - (Addition within 100)

First to Zero - (Subtraction and Place Value within 100)

Close to 20 - (Addition within 20)

Close to 100 - (Addition within 100)

Acing Math - (Multiple Operations)

Pepperoni Pizza - (Repeated Addition)

This game builds children’s ability to add repeatedly, which will lead to their ability to multiply in Grade 3. Encourage children to write repeated addition sentences.

Math Card Games

Free Printable Problems for 20 days created by Fawn Nguyen @fawnpnguyen

Entering 4th Grade OFFline Mathematics Practice

Hands on Math Actvities

Engaging Math Activities at Home

Play a Board Game

Compare Multiplication - (Multiplication Fact Practice)

This game is similar to the game “war”, except player draw 2 cards and multiply them to find the biggest product.

Salute! - (Addition & Subtraction Fact Practice)

Salute! - (Multiplication & Division Fact Practice)

This fun activity is made for groups of three. You will be using mental math strategies to practice addition and subtraction or multiplication and division.

Oh No! 99! - (Addition within 100)

First to Zero - (Subtraction and Place Value within 100)

Close to 100 - (Addition within 100)

Acing Math - (Multiple Operations)

Math Card Games

Free Printable Problems for 20 days created by Fawn Nguyen @fawnpnguyen

Entering 5th Grade OFFline Mathematics Practice

Hands on Math Activities

Engaging Math Activities at Home

Play a Board Game

Compare Multiplication - (Multiplication Fact Practice)

This game is similar to the game “war”, except player draw 2 cards and multiply them to find the biggest product.

Salute! - (Multiplication & Division Fact Practice)

This fun activity is made for groups of three. You will be using mental math strategies to practice addition and subtraction or multiplication and division.

Oh No! 99! - (Addition within 100)

First to Zero - (Subtraction and Place Value within 100)

Close to 100 - (Addition within 100)

5 Number Game - (Multiple Operations)

Acing Math - (Multiple Operations)

Math Card Games

Free Printable Problems for 20 days created by Fawn Nguyen @fawnpnguyen